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Vincent Le Vrai
I've built pretty handy sites powered by Craft or WordPress in the past, but seeing @framer tackle CMS stuff so effortlessly is mind-boggling
The scroll variant in @framer hits differently. Never imaged that making some complex things would be easy with that. Everyday i learn something new with Framer.
Manon Lanza
Honestly the @framer publish time is insanely fast. Just published 2 weeks of changes in 5 seconds – like it’s almost too fast for such a big moment.
Ryan Saiib
I learned how to build a website in @Framer! My goal was to learn the basic tools in about 20 minutes a day last week. Nothing fancy. No special design. Just random elements that's responsive. If I can do it, so can you!
A quick word about @framer. Framer is forever changing the experience of designing for the web. Forget about a design tool. Once you get the basics, you're not on a design tool anymore. You're creating your product/story in the medium itself. As friendly & powerful as it is.
Isabeau de Latour
I was enjoying @framer a lot but I am BLOWN AWAY by their Figma plug-in. From Auto-layout to flex-box in the browser in seconds; this has completely changed how I'll build.
Sidi Salhi
I have been in a @framer rabbit hole for the past 6 hours without even noticing as time goes by — its everything I love in Figma combined with everything I love in Webflow. I am in love.
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